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What Does the Hermit Tarot Card Mean?
The General Meaning of the Hermit Tarot Card
This Hermit tarot card is about letting go of the old to make way for the new. If this card shows up during a reading, it’s because you may need to do things in a different way or let go of a job, relationship, or attitude. This tarot card is all about taking time out to look after yourself. You may have too many responsibilities, so need to let go so you can focus on your spiritual/personal growth.
Self-care is very important; the journey of life isn’t just about your roles or task, it’s about self-discovery and finding your way forward so you can align with your soul’s purpose.
What Is the Spiritual Aspect of the Hermit?
Do you feel like you need to withdraw from the outside world so you can reflect/connect with your inner wisdom? If the Hermit tarot card shows up during a reading, it usually means you have all the answers within, but need to do some work to find them.
The Hermit tarot card may also indicate that you may feel misunderstood by others, feel like the outer world is noisy/distracting. Silent contemplation is where you get to become one with source energy, taking time out to connect with your Spirit.
You may be at a point in your life in which you’re drawn to nature. Right now, you may have a strong desire to get away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. If the Hermit card shows up during a tarot reading, it indicates that this is a good time to meditate or practice conscious breathing. By doing this, you can tear yourself away from the material world so you can connect with the natural one.
The Hermit Tarot Card and Relationships
The Hermit tarot card signifies that you need to restructure your life, and if you are in a relationship, you may have to take time out to review whether you and your partner are still heading in the same direction. You may feel like you want more, or maybe your relationship’s flourishing and moving to the next level.
The Hermit Tarot Card and Your Career
The Hermit tarot card signifies wisdom, soul searching, and the deeper meaning of life. You may feel like you want to embark on becoming a therapist, someone in the clergy, or a spiritual counsellor. Since the Hermit tarot card is all about self-realization, you may be inspired to share this light/wisdom with others.
Live Tarot Readings With Social Psychics
Speaking about helping others, the tarot readers on this cheap UK psychic line will answer any question you have about your life path. Whether you have questions about your love life, career, or relationships, our trusted psychics online will be here to guide you.
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