Entries by admin

What Are Fifth Dimensional Relationships?

Fifth dimensional relationships are nourishing, healing, sustainable, and they’re continuously growing while both souls are evolving. These relationships allow you to bring the very best of yourself to the relationship, where you’re able to be the gift that you want to receive. Your fifth dimensional partner is part of your soul

What Is a Past Life Connection?

A past life connection is when you meet someone who you once shared a relationship with in a previous life. This attraction is usually immediate, and you will feel an intense pull towards that person which evokes strong feelings—you might even have flashes, thoughts, and dreams that reveal your shared history. You may have a

What Is a Soulmate Relationship?

A soulmate relationship is where you relate to your partner on all levels, spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and physically. This is a unique connection, and at the source of it all, there is a shared soul destiny. Soulmate relationships recognise that there’s a higher purpose for the partnership, and both parties have an assigned

How Does Chakra Affect Your Love Life?

The Vedic writings state that there are several forms of relationships that we can aspire to find in our lives. These various relationship forms create a certain type of energy between couples and correspond with each of the chakras. Chakras are spiritual energy centres which align the physical body with the spiritual body

Is Love All in The Mind?

When you love yourself, you create a blueprint for all your relationships. Your blueprint is a legacy of all your thoughts, experiences, memories, beliefs, desires, and fears; this blueprint is also known as your auric field or aura. Your auric field is your personal space; people will either gravitate towards you or be repelled

What Are Your Relationship Desires?

When it comes to love, you first have to know what you want before you can receive it. You have to live it in your mind, add colour to it, and feel good about it. Feelings are very important because our emotions and what we visualise in our mind, it’s the language of the universe. When you work with a psychic, they will help you