Entries by admin

What Does the Hermit Tarot Card Mean?

This Hermit tarot card is about letting go of the old to make way for the new. If this card shows up during a reading, it’s because you may need to do things in a different way or let go of a job, relationship, or attitude. This tarot card is all about taking time out to look after yourself. You may have too many responsibilities

What Does the Devil Tarot Card Mean?

Whenever the Devil card appears during a tarot reading people get very uncomfortable, but what does this card really mean? When the Devil tarot card shows up, it’s really asking you to re-evaluate your relationship with the material things in this world, the things that keep you bound. If the Devil card shows up for you during

Why Should You Get a Career Reading?

Everyone has a purpose, and each person is gifted with innate skills/abilities that they may or may not know about. Life is constantly opening you up to your gifts through your experiences and the challenges you face. Sometimes, after enduring difficult circumstances, you may find that you have a propensity for a new career

Why Should You Get a Psychic Love Reading?

A psychic love reading is when you get to speak with a spiritual guru who can offer you insight into your love life. It’s not always easy to see what’s going on when you’re swimming in a sea of emotions, which is why speaking with someone is often beneficial. Even if all is well in your world, you may have feelings that you’re

The Law of Attraction and Relationships

The Law of Attraction is one of the basic laws of the universe, but it’s a very important law. This law holds everything together, and without it, there would be no world, no people, absolutely nothing. People think that the Law of Attraction is something mysterious and out of their reach, and because of this belief, they’re not

The Law of Gratitude: The Gateway to More Blessings

When you give thanks from your heart, you’re practicing the Law of Gratitude; energy flows from your heart and you ignite empathetic responses from others, as well as the Universe. Giving thanks for things like your family, your job, your friends, the body you reside in, and the things you own, is like a spiritual insurance

What Is an Affirmation?

Affirmation means to make firm; they’re a part of the programming in your subconscious mind that you play over and over again. These affirmations are made up of your thoughts and beliefs that you repeat consistently. Subconsciously, we may affirm things that we fear, love, hate, or desire, which is why during affirmations

What Is the Magical Recipe for Love?

What is the magical recipe for love? Do you need an endless supply of gifts and hugs? Do you need to be adored every minute and every hour of the day, or are you independent? Love is an emotion or promise that’s continues to be honoured, long after the intense/initial feelings you have for someone has expired? Love is invisible. No

The Magnetic Attraction of Sexual Chemistry

a sexual bond is full of passion, potent energy, and is strictly a sexual connection. The intensity of the sexual bond you have with someone can be influenced by both the positive and negative aspects of your relationship. Going through a continual rollercoaster ride of endless conflicts and reconciliations that conjure up heated

What Are Mind-to-Mind Relationships?

A mind-to-mind relationship is what people sometimes refer to as a mental orgasm. During such a connection, both parties will feel exhilarated and stimulated by the other’s. This type of relationship is best described as the love of the mind, with a built-in mutual respect for each other at the mental level and beyond. People in